There are several ways to replace your missing teeth. Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth and help restore your smile. There are several types of dentures on the market—each made from different materials and serving different purposes.
Full Dentures
Full dentures, or complete dentures, consist of both upper and lower sets and are removable devices that can be used to replace missing teeth. They are best fit when one loses all his or her teeth. A conventional denture is ready within 8-12 months after any remaining teeth are extracted or removed to allow time for the jaws to heal.
Partial dentures
Upper and/or lower partial dentures are designed to fill the gap created by missing teeth. Partials can be unclipped and removed when needed. A removable partial denture consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink-coloured base, which is connected to a metal framework that holds the denture into place.
Immediate dentures
An immediate denture can often be made so that the patient has something to wear the same day the teeth are removed. This type of denture is made before the teeth are extracted and is put in place the day the teeth are removed. The purpose of these dentures is to replace the missing teeth during the healing process. They are easily refitted to accommodate changes in the mouth as gums and jaws heal.
Custom dentures
While other dentures are made to replace your missing teeth, custom dentures are specifically designed to suit your smile and preferences. These dentures are costly as they are custom-made for a more natural-looking smile.
Flexible dentures
Flexible dentures are a kind of partial denture, but they are made of different materials from ordinary partial dentures. Most flexible dentures are made of a thin thermoplastic such as nylon, compared to the thicker, more rigid acrylic used in full dentures.
Even if you wear full dentures, you still have to practice good dental hygiene. Brush your gums, tongue and roof of your mouth every morning with a soft-bristled brush before you insert your dentures to stimulate circulation in your tissues and help remove plaque.